"Future directions in hydrography using satellite-derived bathymetry" by Shachak Pe'eri, Christopher Parrish et al.


Satellite remote sensing provides useful reconnaissance tool for mapping near-shore bathymetry, characterizing a coastal area and monitoring any seafloor changes that may have occurred since the last hydrographic survey of the area. At the 2012 Canada Hydro conference, a study was presented on the potential use of Landsat satellite imagery to map shallow-water bathymetry in a GIS environment over three study sites. Since then, several collaborations between the current study group and various hydrographic organizations were established with the goal of implementing optically-derived bathymetry as part of their data acquiring procedure. Bathymetry over additional study sites around the world was tested. Also, different commercial software packages were evaluated to provide an affordable processing platform for hydrographic offices in developing countries. In this paper, an overview will be provided on the advances that have been achieved in the past year and an update and future directions of the study.


Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping

Publication Date


Journal Title

US Hydrographic Conference

Conference Date

Mar 25 - Mar 28, 2013

Publisher Place

New Orleans, LA, USA


Hydrographic Society of America

Document Type

Conference Proceeding
