"ME70 Seafloor Characterization and 4D Water Column Visualization" by Thomas C. Weber, Tyler J. Clark et al.

ME70 Seafloor Characterization and 4D Water Column Visualization


The Simrad ME70 multibeam echo sounder has the potential to conduct simultaneous seafloor and mid-water analysis. This talk will examine one approach to seafloor mapping and bottom characterization using a standard water column mode, which utilizes split-beam processing to realize several independent bottom detections per beam. The limitations of this approach - including the maximum grazing angle for which split-beam processing is useful - will be discussed. Examples of water column data visualizations, and raw data extraction, using a new software tool developed by IVS-3D, will also be presented.


Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping

Publication Date


Journal Title

ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology



Conference Date

May 19 - May 22

Publisher Place

Ancona, Italy


International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)

Document Type

Conference Proceeding
