"Monitoring Near-Shore Bathymetry Using a Multi-Image Satellite-Derived" by Ricardo Freire, Shachak Pe'eri et al.


ABSTRACT Two advanced survey systems for hydrographic surveying are multi-beam echsounder (MBES) and airborne lidar bathymetry (ALB). Compared to more traditional hydrographic surveying methods, these systems provide both highly accurate and a dense coverage of depth measurements. However, high cost and logistic challenges that are required for either type of hydrographic survey operation limit the number of surveys and coverage area that can be conducted. As a result, most survey efforts primarily focus on updating existing chart information, and do not provide more enhanced charting capabilities, such as identifying dynamic seafloor areas or monitoring changes due to natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, floods, or tsunamis) along the charted coastlines. An alternative reconnaissance approach is the use of Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB). Although SDB provide bathymetry products at a coarser spatial resolution compared to MBES or ALB, satellite imagery can be repeatedly collected over the same area. In addition, some of the multi-spectral satellite imagery is publically-available, and at low at no cost. In this paper, we describe a practical approach that is based on a multitemporal analysis of the SDB using Landsat 8 imagery. The study results presented here are based on a time series of two sites (Barnegat Bay Inlet, NJ and Nantucket Sound, MA). Preliminary results indicate that it is possible to identify both stable and dynamic seafloor areas that have implications for charting and coastal zone management applications


Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping

Publication Date


Journal Title

U.S. Hydrographic Conference (US HYDRO) 2015

Conference Date

March 16-19, 2015

Publisher Place

National Harbor, Maryland, USA


International Hydrographic Organization

Document Type

Conference Proceeding
