

In spring 2024, researchers at the University of New Hampshire undertook data collection to better understand the landscape of preschool offerings in New Hampshire’s public schools. School districts provide preschool using a variety of models based on local needs. All public school districts must provide access to a free appropriate public education for preschool-aged children with an identified disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B. Children identified under IDEA Part B have an Individualized Education Program, or IEP, to support their learning. Some districts receive Title I funding to include preschool opportunities for children who are identified as “at-risk” for learning disadvantages. Still other districts offer limited access to local children via tuition-based slots or wider community access through creative use of local taxes or grant funds.

This brief includes data collected from all New Hampshire public schools with state-recorded preschool or kindergarten enrollment. The goal was to determine the number of preschool slots offered within New Hampshire public schools and whether the school districts serve preschool-aged children with and without IEPs. The data show that programs extending beyond IDEA Part B exist. However, our data collection did not include details on how such programming was funded, nor on the number of children with and without IEPs in specific classrooms or programs. Thus, from this round of data collection we cannot fully identify or fully describe the reach of preschool access in New Hampshire public schools for children without an IEP specifically.


Carsey School of Public Policy

Publication Date

Summer 9-6-2024


Issue Brief 182


Durham, N.H. : Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire

Document Type



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