

In this brief, Carsey Senior Demographer Kenneth Johnson reports that population gains were widespread in New England last year, according to new Census Bureau estimates. All six states gained population for the first time since before the pandemic. New Hampshire and Maine continued to gain population, just as they have in each of the last four years. In contrast, Massachusetts and Rhode Island gained population last year after several years of population decline. Vermont and Connecticut also continued to add population.

Most of New England’s population increase came from migration, because deaths continue to exceed births in four of the six states. New England’s renewed modest population increase is consistent with evidence of widespread population gains in many regions of the nation in the new Census Bureau estimates.


Carsey School of Public Policy

Publication Date

Winter 12-20-2023


National Issue Brief No. 177


Durham, N.H. : Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire

Document Type



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