NHAES Bulletin | Agriculture | University of New Hampshire

The Bulletin is a publication of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire.


Submissions from 1990


A history of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station 1887-1987, Station Bulletin, no.529, Collins, W. M. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1985


Aquatic vascular plants of New England, Station Bulletin, no.528, Crow, G. E.; Hellquist, C. B.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1984


Aquatic vascular plants of New England, Station Bulletin, no.527, Hellquist, C. B.; Crow, G. E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1983


Aquatic vascular plants of New England, Station Bulletin, no.524, Crow, G. E.; Hellquist, C. B.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Sod seeding of forages, Station Bulletin, no.525, Koch, D.W.; Mueller-Warrant, G. W.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Sod seeding of forages, Station Bulletin, no.526, Mueller-Warrant, G. W.; Koch, D.W.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1982


Aquatic vascular plants of New England, Station Bulletin, no.520, Crow, G. E.; Hellquist, C. B.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Hiker traffic on and near the habitat of Robbins cinquefoil, an endangered plant species, Station Bulletin, no.522, Graber, R. E.; Crow, G. E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Aquatic vascular plants of New England, Station Bulletin, no.523, Hellquist, C. B.; Crow, G. E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


A methodological appraisal of the follow up instruments used in evaluating Hillsborough County's CETA Programs, Station Bulletin, no.521, Luloff, A. E.; Greenwood, P. H.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1981


Aquatic vascular plants of New England, Station Bulletin, no.517, Crow, G. E.; Hellquist, C. B.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Aquatic vascular plants of New England, Station Bulletin, no.518, Hellquist, C. B.; Crow, G. E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Weather-monitoring instrumentation for plant disease management programs and epidemiological studies, Station Bulletin, no.519, MacHardy, W. E.; Sondej, J.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1980


Aquatic vascular plants of New England, Station Bulletin, no.515, Hellquist, C. B.; Crow, G. E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Definitions of community: an illustration of aggregation bias, Station Bulletin, no.516, Luloff, A. E.; Greenwood, P. H.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1979


Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of America north of Mexico, Station Bulletin, no.509, Blickle, R. L. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Effects of fire on forest soil and nutrient cycling: an annotated bibliography, Station Bulletin, no.514, Downer, P. S.; Harter, R. D.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Grasses of New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.512, Hodgdon, A. R.; Crow, G. E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Invent: forest inventory system for New Hampshire landowners, Station Bulletin, no.510, Linden, D. S.; Barrett, J. P.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Migration and Its Impacts on the Northeast, Station Bulletin, no.511, Luloff, A. E.; Steahr, T. E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The flora of Plum Island, Essex County, Massachusetts, Station Bulletin, no.513, McDonnell, Mark J. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1978


Sewage sludge composting in small towns, Station Bulletin, no.508, Leighton, G. M.; Harter, R. D.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1977


Potential for energy conservation in feeding livestock and poultry in the United States, Station Bulletin, no.506, Davulis, J. P.; Frick, G. E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Forage performance trials in New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.505, Koch, D. W.; Dunn, G. M.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Spodic horizon characteristics of some forest soils in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.507, Pilgrim, S. A. L.; Harter, R. D.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1975


Chloride in natural waters of New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.504, Hall, Francis R. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


A survey of New Hampshire sewage sludges as related to their suitability for on-land disposal, Station Bulletin, no.503, Harter, Robert D. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1974


Growth and feed standards for broilers -- 1973, Station Bulletin, no.502, Whittaker, D. A.; Holmes, J. E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1973


Predicting growth of Eastern White Pine, Station Bulletin, no.499, Barrett, James P.; Goldsmith, Leland J.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Cultural practices, fertilizing and foliar analysis of balsam fir Christmas trees, Station Bulletin, no.501, Bruns, Paul E. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1972


Values and cost allocations of surface-water use and treatment, Station Bulletin, no.500, Andrews, Richard A.; Weyrick, Richard R.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1968


Egg marketing systems and practices in New England, Station Bulletin, no.497, Bardwell, Edwin T.; Christensen, Robert L.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


An economic analysis of hay harvesting and utilization using a simulation model, Station Bulletin, no.495, Cloud, Clifton C.; Frick, George E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


A modified general simplex method for solving linear programming problems, Station Bulletin, no.493, Foster, Bennett B.; Weyrick, Richard R.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Dairy adjustments in the Northeast, Station Bulletin, no.498, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Estimated financial returns from two white pine plantations, Station Bulletin, no.496, Wallace Sr., Oliver P.; Hopkins, Richard D.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1967


Patterns of expenditures among rural New Hampshire school districts, Station Bulletin, no.491, Grinnell, Harold C. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The mallophaga of New England birds, Station Bulletin, no.492, Keirans, James E. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Genetic and physiologic bases for poultry improvement, Station Bulletin, no.489, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1966


Nutritive value of redtop hay cut at different stages of maturity, Station Bulletin, no.488, Colovos, Nicholas F.; Holter, James B.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Net incomes and resource valuations of optimum organizations for dairy farms in northern New England, Station Bulletin, no.490, Harrington, David H.; Andrews, Richard A.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1965


Marketing New England poultry, Station Bulletin, no.484, Burbee, Clark R.; Bardwell, Edwin T.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The effect of rate of nitrogen fertilization, geographic location, and date of harvest on yield, acceptability, and nutritive value of timothy hay, Station Bulletin, no.486, Colovos, N. F.; Peterson, N. K.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Marketing of lumber by retail lumber yards in the northeast - Phase III, Station Bulletin, no.487, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1964


Marketing New England poultry, Station Bulletin, no.483, Burbee, Clark R.; Bardwell, Edwin T.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Marketing New England poultry, Station Bulletin, no.485, Burbee, Clark R.; Bardwell, Edwin T.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Public education in New Hampshire-an economic appraisal, Station Bulletin, no.481, Grinnell, Harold C. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Marketing New England poultry, Station Bulletin, no.482, Henry, William F.; Burbee, Clark R.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1963


Trends and current characteristics in the United States apple market, Station Bulletin, no.479, Drew, William H. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The price of white pine stumpage and lumber during the movement of New Hampshire sawmills into and out of production, Station Bulletin, no.480, Massie, Michael R. C.; Wallace, Oliver P.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Marketing New England poultry, Station Bulletin, no.476, Rogers, George B.; Bardwell, Edwin T.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Growth and feed standards for broilers -- 1963, Station Bulletin, no.478, Wabeck, C. J.; Skoglund, W. C.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1962


Marketing New England poultry, Station Bulletin, no.475, Burbee, Clark R.; Frick, George E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Legume damage by tractors, Station Bulletin, no.473, Byers, Gordon L.; Lucey, Robert F.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Nutritive value of dried beet pulp, Station Bulletin, no.477, Colovos, N. F.; Davis, H. A.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The effect of light, floor space, and form of feed upon cannibalism, body weight, feed conversion, and mortality in broilers, Station Bulletin, no.471, Skoglund, W. C. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The use of lumber by New Hampshire's wood-using industries, Station Bulletin, no.474, Wallace, O. P. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1961


The effect of rate of nitrogen ferlilizalion and date of harvest on yield, persistency and nutritive value of Bromegrass hay, Station Bulletin, no.472, Colovos, Nicholas F.; Keener, Harry A.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Performance of forage varieties and strains in New Hampshire 1955-1960, Station Bulletin, no.470, Dunn, G. M.; Kilpatrick, R. A.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1960


The impact of the federal soil bank program on the economy of Coos County New Hampshire 1956-1959, Station Bulletin, no.468, Andrews, Richard A.; Frick, George E.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Evaluating the profitability of irrigation of northeastern dairy farms, Station Bulletin, no.469, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1959


The population of New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.458, Bowring, J. R.; Durgin, O. B.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Farm size and the capital acquisition problem on New Hampshire farms, Station Bulletin, no.457, Burkett, W. K. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Inspection of commercial feeedingstuffs, Station Bulletin, no.462, Davis, H. A.; Oresteen, Dorothy F.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Inspection of commercial fertilizers, Station Bulletin, no.463, Davis, H. A.; Oresteen, Dorothy F.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Propagation of woody plants, Station Bulletin, no.465, Dunn, Stuart; Eggert, Russell; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Balancing problems of independent milk dealers operating small and medium size plants, Station Bulletin, no.460, Jeffrey, Arthur D. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Report of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, Station Bulletin, no.467, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Growth and feed standards for broilers -- 1959, Station Bulletin, no.466, Reed, Willis S.; Skoglund, W. C.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Marketing New England poultry, Station Bulletin, no.459, Rogers, George B.; Bardwell, Edwin T.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Results of seed tests for 1959, Station Bulletin, no.464, Sanborn, Bessie G. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Breeding and improving ornamentals, Station Bulletin, no.461, Yeager, A. F.; Risley, E. B.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1958


Transition to the bulk assembly of milk in northern New England, Station Bulletin, no.453, Bowring, James R.; Taylor, Kenneth A.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Inspection of commercial fertilizers, Station Bulletin, no.455, Davis, H. A.; Fowler, Ruth; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Inspection of commercial feeedingstuffs, Station Bulletin, no.450, Davis, H. A.; Fowler, Ruth S.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The woody plants of New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.447, Hodgdon, Albion R.; Steele, Frederic L.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Report of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, Station Bulletin, no.451, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Restricted feeding of growing pullets, Station Bulletin, no.456, Ringrose, R. C. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Effects of flood control projects on agriculture, Station Bulletin, no.449, Rogers, George B. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Results of seed tests for 1958, Station Bulletin, no.454, Sanborn, Bessie G. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Marketing of eastern white pine lumber from Maine and New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.452, Wallace, Oliver P.; Amidon, Elliot L.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Breeding better fruits and nuts, Station Bulletin, no.448, Yeager, A. F.; Meader, E. M.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1957


Production and utilization of milk by-products in New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.441, Bowring, J. R. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Inspection of commercial feeedingstuffs, Station Bulletin, no.443, Davis, H. A.; Benjamin, Jeanne; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Inspection of commercial fertilizers, Station Bulletin, no.446, Davis, H. A.; Fowler, Ruth; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Forage variety trials in New Hampshire 1951-1956, Station Bulletin, no.439, Dunn, Gerald, M.; Blood, Paul T.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The population of New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.437, Durgin, Owen B. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Competition for New England apples on United States markets, Station Bulletin, no.436, Gartner, Joseph; Bowring, J. R.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The nutritive value of dried citrus pulp for dairy cattle, Station Bulletin, no.438, Keener, H. A.; Colovos, N. F.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Report of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, Station Bulletin, no.442, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Marketing New England poultry, Station Bulletin, no.444, Rogers, George B.; Henry, William F.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Results of seed tests for 1957, Station Bulletin, no.445, Sanborn, Bessie G. and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Breeding new vegetable varieties, Station Bulletin, no.440, Yeager, Albert F.; Meader, Elwyn M.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station

Submissions from 1956


The population of New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.425, Bowring, J. R.; Purington, M. S.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Inspection of commercial feeedingstuffs, Station Bulletin, no.428, Davis, H. A.; Staab, V. F.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Inspection of commercial fertilizers, Station Bulletin, no.432, Davis, H. A.; Staab, V. F.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


The influence of waste bark on plant growth. The comparative value of bark as a surface mulch for apples, blueberries, and raspberries., Station Bulletin, no.435, Dunn, Stuart Latimer, L. Phelps and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Production efficiency on New England dairy farms, Station Bulletin, no.430, Frick, G. E.; Henry, W. F.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Soils and their crop adaptations in New Hampshire, Station Bulletin, no.424, Garland, Lloyd E.; Adams, Henry R.; and New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station


Report of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, Station Bulletin, no.429, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station