NOAA’s Office of Response & Restoration (OR&R) partnered with Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) to facilitate an International Oil Spill Modeling Working Group (IOSMWG) starting in February 2024. This effort was funded by the USCG’s Great Lakes Oil Spill Center of Expertise (GLCOE) with the following objectives:
- Improve collaboration among oil spill modelers
- Understand current state of oil spill modeling with respect to uncertainty, shorelines, coastal environments and countermeasures
- Identify potential advancements needed in uncertainty, shorelines, coastal environments and countermeasures
- Identify knowledge/research gaps to be addressed in uncertainty, shorelines, coastal environments and countermeasures
Though the IOSMWG continues to be facilitated by the CRRC, the GLCOE funding for the project culminated with a hybrid workshop held on September 24-25, 2024, at the GLERL in Ann Arbor, MI. The workshop was attended by 25 people in-person and 15 online. Eight of these in-person participants were from outside the U.S., making the effort a truly international one. The small size of the group meant that the discussions could be done in plenary sessions without the need for breakout groups. The format for the workshop was ½ day sessions on five topics, deemed by the members of the IOSMWG to be the most important to address: Uncertainty, Shorelines, Coastal Environments, Countermeasures, and Standardization. Each session consisted of presentations by a subgroup focused on the topic and plenary discussion. The final plenary session was a discussion of the workshop’s conclusions, recommendations and actions for the path forward.
Publication Date
Document Type
Workshop Report
Recommended Citation
Coastal Response Research Center, "CRRC NOAA GLCOE Oil Spill Modeling Workshop Report" (2025). Coastal Response Research Center. 44.