NOAA Hurricane Preparedness Summit 2022, CRRC
North Atlantic Arctic Crisis Workshop (NAACW), Coastal Response Research Center/Center for Spills & Environmental Hazards (CRRC/CSE), UNH Department of Security Studies and the New England Arctic Network (NEAN), and Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies
NRDA West Coast Emerging Oils Report, Coastal Response Research Center
Proceedings of the Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Preparedness & Response Virtual Workshop and Tabletop Exercise, Coastal Response Research Center
2017 State-of the Science of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil (DDO) in U.S. Arctic Waters: Degradation and Fate, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
2017 State-of-the-Science of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil (DDO) in U.S. Arctic Waters: Efficacy & Effectiveness, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
2017 State-of the Science of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil (DDO) in U.S. Arctic Waters: Physical Transport and Chemical Behavior, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
2018 State-of the Science of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil (DDO) in U.S. Arctic Waters: Eco-Toxicity and Sublethal Impacts, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
2019 State-of-the-Science of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil (DDO) in U.S. Arctic Waters: Public Health and Food Safety, Coastal Response Research Center
NRPT: Learning from the Past and Moving Forward: Response Challenges from Severe Weather or Tsunamis to Shared Trust Resources and Mission Responsibilities, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
5th Annual NOAA Hurricane Preparedness Summit Report, CRRC and NOAA
CAMEO Stakeholders Report, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
Comparing Recent Advances in Estimating and Measuring Oil Slick Thickness: An MPRI Technical Report, CRRC, NOAA, MPRI, and BSEE
Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Feasibility Study of All-Hazards Indices Expansion, Research Planning, Inc
Estimating the Loss Reduction Effects of Disaster Preparedness: An Empirical Study of U.S. Coastal States, Qing Miao and Meri Davlasheridze
Greater Houston Area Bottlenose Dolphin Data Gaps, CRRC
NOAA Great Lakes Harmful Algal Bloom Communication Preparedness Workshop Report, CRRC and NOAA
NOAA Hurricane Preparedness Summit 2023 Report, CRRC and NOAA
NOAA Nurdles/Pre-Production Plastic Pellet Spills in Coastal & Marine Environments-workshop report, Coastal Response Research Center
NOS Hurricane Preparedness Summit 2021 Report, Coastal Response Research Center
NRPT: Improve Preparedness for Storm Events and Nuisance Flooding in the Norfolk Region, Coastal Response Research Center
Shoreline Oil Spill Response Knowledge Gaps and Technological Development Opportunities: A Workshop Report, CRRC, NOAA, and BSEE
Technical Report: Technical Support for Developing and Field Testing In Situ Bioassays in the Surface Mixing Layer of Marine Waters at Oil Spill, G. A. Burton, A. Crane, B. Chadwick, G. Rosen, G. Stewart, S. Allan, and O. Garcia-Pineda
White Papers
Biological Effects of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil in Surface and Deep Ocean Species, Ronald Tjeerdema, Adriana C. Bejarano, and Sara Edge
Degradation of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil, Kenneth Lee
Dispersant Efficacy and Effectiveness, Thomas Coolbaugh and Amy McElroy
Dispersants and Risk Communication, Ed Levine and J. Steven Picou
Dispersants and Seafood Safety Assessment of the potential impact of Corexit® oil dispersants on seafood safety, Robert W. Dickey and Walton W. Dickhoff
Oil Dispersants and Human Health Effects, James P. Fabisiak and Bernard Goldstein
Physical Transport and Chemical Behavior of Dispersed Oil, James R. Payne and C. J. Beegle-Krause
Workshop Reports
2015 Oil Observing Tools: A Workshop Report, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
2016 NRPT: Addressing Public Concerns During Spill Response, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
2016 NRPT: Natural Disaster Causing Technology Disasters in Mobile Bay Area, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
2016 NRPT: Oil Spill Response Options for the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
2017 DWH Long-Term Data Management Coordination Workshop Report, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
2017 SCAT (Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique) Workshop Report, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)
Coordination of DWH Long-Term Data Management: The Path Forward Workshop Report, Coastal Response Research Center
CRRC NOAA GLCOE Oil Spill Modeling Workshop Report, Coastal Response Research Center
Environmental Disasters Data Management Workshop Report, Coastal Response Research Center
Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation (MOSSFA) Workshop, Center for Spills in the Environment
NOAA OR&R Remote Sensing /UAS Workshop Report, Coastal Response Research Center