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In this issue:
Mr. Fox Composting: Changing the World through “Garbage” by Jeff Fishwick
How to Live by Gennifer Davidson
Stuxnet: The Fastest Evolving Virus in the World by Lia Windt
The Economic Potential of Cryptocurrency: WAn Investigation of Bitcoinby Lauren Rhodes
Beyond Digital Dualism: The Conceptual Fallacy of the Online/Offline Dichotomy by Lauren Nawfel
Social Media: A New Platform for Activism? by Brittany Mosier
News Journalism in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities by Amanda Cote
What is Expected of a Man by Emily Sorey-Backus
(Re)Defining Political Activism in Post-Modernity by Jessica Wojenski
Cataracts as a Cause of Preventable Blindness by Elizabeth Fuller
“Songs of Faith and Devotion”: The 1980’s, religion and dark salvation in Gothic subculture by Leigh Fraser
Memes by Jacqueline Mundry
Recommended Citation
"Comm-entary, Spring 2015 - Full Issue,"
Comm-entary: Vol. 11:
1, Article 1.
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