Understanding Funding in the U.S. Department of Education – Presentation by Marjorie Piechowski 9.26.14
The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) is the primary research arm of the U.S. Department of Education (US ED). IES operates differently from the other US ED divisions, with its own proposal format, scoring system, and review process. Developing a better understanding of the purpose, structure, and initiatives of IES – within the context of the Department – will enable UNH researchers to be more competitive with their proposals.
This presentation to UNH by Dr. Marjorie Piechowski, Director Emerita of Research Support, College of Engineering & Applied Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,covers: (1) the purpose and structure of the US ED; (2) the many US ED grant programs available to higher education; (3) the standard proposal components for IES and US ED grants; and (4) an overview of the IES and ED review processes and scoring systems.
Copies of the handouts distributed at the seminar are included after the final presentation slides.