"Professor Bryan Harris Remembered: "Volez" to a Pierce Law Friend" by Jon R. Cavicchi


Bryan Harris, MA (Oxon), passed away recently in his beloved native England, after a brief illness. His wife Mary, two sons and a daughter survive him. Bryan Harris had a long and distinguished career as an author, educator, barrister, diplomat, publisher and lobbyist. He was a consultant on European Union policies and laws to commercial and professional firms and associations. For almost three decades he was a Member of the Board of Trustees and Adjunct Professor of European Union Law at Pierce Law. Pierce Law President and Dean, John Hutson summed up what many members of the Pierce Law community expressed to me as I prepared this tribute saying, "I think of Bryan mostly in single words ... jovial, cheerful, humble, dignified, diplomatic, caring ... " Dean Huston shared that Professor Harris will be recognized during the 2004 Commencement.

Publication Date


Journal Title

IDEA : The intellectual property law review.

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