"Heidi Asbjornsen Associate Professor of Natural Resources, COLSA, trav" by Heidi Asbjornsen


Experiential Student Learning and Collaborative Research: Understanding Tropical Ecosystem Response to Climate Change from Leaves to Landscapes.

During January 2012, I traveled to Costa Rica to visit potential field sites for a future UNH J-term course in Tropical Ecology and to collect preliminary data for a new research project linked to the course. Both of these initiatives are in collaboration with Dr. Michael Palace, a research scientist at UNH’s Earth Systems Research Center. Together, we visited three sites in Costa Rica, each having very different climates and vegetation: Curu Wildlife Refuge, a tropical dry deciduous forest receiving only about 1,500mm rain annually; La Selva Biological Station, a lowland tropical rainforest that receives over 4,000 m of rain annually, and Monteverde Reserve, a tropical montane cloud forest that is immersed in fog for much of the year.

Publication Date

Spring 2012


University of New Hampshire

Document Type

