Building Community Capacity: Skills and Principles


Book Description:
Today, local, state, and federal funding agencies have recognized the importance of the role the community plays in assuring a healthy population. As a result, these funding sources have mandated that the community which is primarily affected by these persistent public health issues, be present at the working table with academicians, researchers, public health practitioners, and policymakers so their “voice” may be heard and they may contribute to effective solutions. For sustainability purposes, we need to help these communities build their capacity to address the episodic, as well as the persistent, public health issues that affect their health. How do we, as public health professionals, do that? How do we learn the skills and principles necessary to establish partnerships with our communities? How do we then teach our community partners to continue to improve the health status of their neighborhoods when the funding expires? This book explores this topic in greater detail. (Imprint: Nova)


Health Management and Policy

Publication Date



Nova Science Publishers

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Nova Science Publishers © Copyright 2004 - 2015
