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This essay dives into the nature of mediated shame, analyzing its implications in various contexts and genres of media. Beginning with an analysis of shame as a disciplinary mechanism, the essay highlights how online platforms perpetuate societal norms through the perception and judgment of others. Drawing examples from reality television, it explores how shame is commodified for entertainment, often at the expense of vulnerable participants. Using shows like "The Biggest Loser" as a case study, the essay examines how media narratives exploit and amplify shame, leading to a spoiled identity. This essay also acknowledges the role of shame as a form of deterrence, looking towards shows like “To Catch A Predator”. This case study demonstrates how public exposure and shame serve as effective deterrents, influencing behavior and reinforcing societal norms. Overall, this essay calls for a critical reevaluation of the ethics surrounding shame in media and draws attention to the importance of fostering empathy and understanding in online discourse.



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