Date of Award

Fall 2010

Project Type


Program or Major

Kinesiology: Sport Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Heather Barber


Bandura's (1997) theory of self-efficacy which was extended by Feltz et al. (1999) models of coaching efficacy provided framework for examining the relationship between coaching-efficacy and the coach athlete relationship. This study examined the relationship between NCAA head coaches' coaching efficacy and their coach-athlete relationship. NCAA coaches (N=632) completed the Coaching Efficacy Scale (CES), and the Coach Athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q). A canonical correlation between the subscales of the CES and the subscales of the CART-Q revealed that the subscales of coach-athlete relationship contributed significantly to the explanation of coaching efficacy. MANOVAs revealed significant differences in both CES as well as CART-Q subscales between coaches of individual and team sports, male and female coaches, and winning versus non-winning coaches. This study indicates that there is a significant relationship between coaching efficacy and the coach-athlete relationship and that this interaction should continue to be studied further.
