Date of Award

Spring 2010

Project Type


Program or Major


Degree Name

Master of Arts

First Advisor

David J Hebert


This study investigates whether intuition and introversion can predict imagery ability, utilizing the Keirsey Temperament Sorter-II and the Sheehan's Shortened Form of the Betts Questionnaire on Mental Imagery. Interventions using imagery are commonly used across theoretical orientations. These interventions are particularly powerful, but not effective with those who have low imaging ability. Predicting imaging ability allows counselors to prescribe interventions more effectively. ANOVA was performed on the data to determine if individuals identified as introverted and intuitive have a better ability to imagine than those who are identified as Extroverted and Sensing. Knowing this predictive quality, a counselor can be more effective in electing treatment interventions. For example, the use of imagery in reducing performance anxiety is only beneficial if the client is able to create clear images (Lazarus, 2004). The interaction effects were only significant for visual imagery, and not predictive enough to be useful in choosing counseling interventions.
