Generation of Interfacial Coherent Structures by Internal Waves in Stratified Fluids
Date of Award
Fall 2024
Project Type
Program or Major
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
First Advisor
John P McHugh
Second Advisor
Greg P Chini
Third Advisor
Mark Lyon
Large amplitude internal waves in a density stratified fluid are treated numerically. The flow is modeled using the Navier-Stokes system of equations under the Boussinesq approx- imation. The background density profile is two layers of constant density with a smooth transition region, created with the hyperbolic tangent function. The numerical method evaluates derivatives in the vertical and the longitudinal horizontal direction with finite dif- ferences, and in the transverse horizontal with Fourier transforms. Temporal integration is performed using a splitting algorithm. Waves are forced at one boundary to create a self- focusing wave packet so that a large amplitude wave will form away from the wavemaker. The results show that if the amplitude is large, a coherent structure forms at the front of the packet. This structure moves relatively slowly, often slower than the group velocity of all individual waves in the self-focusing packet that created the structure. A second method of wavemaking using a chamber of heavy fluid confirms that large amplitude waves form this coherent structure. Three dimensional simulations suggest that the structure will become three dimensional for long times.
Recommended Citation
Alsamil, abdulaziz Saleh, "Generation of Interfacial Coherent Structures by Internal Waves in Stratified Fluids" (2024). Doctoral Dissertations. 2865.