Date of Award

Fall 1989

Project Type


Program or Major


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

First Advisor

Victor A Benassi


One hundred and fifty-nine university students participated in a study examining the effect on persuasion of believing that an audiovisual message presentation was a videotaped recording or was an unrehearsed live telecast from an adjacent room. Participants were also assigned to one of two other groups, one instructed to focus its attention on the information being presented (i.e., a centrally focused group), the other instructed to focus on the message source's physical appearance (i.e., a peripherally focused group).

A 2 (Believed Live vs. Believed Recorded) x 2 (Centrally Focused vs. Peripherally Focused) Analysis of Variance was performed on the data. The interaction approached significance ($F$ (1, 155) = 3.049, $p$ =.083). Significance was reached for the live/recorded manipulation ($F$ (1, 155) = 4.68, $p$ =.032), but not reached for the central/peripheral manipulation ($F$ (1, 155) = 1.159, $p$ =.283). Results are explained in terms of involvement, psychological reactance, and the particular persuasion characteristics chosen for this study.
