Presents information on the frequency and nature of crimes committed against children by babysitters. As part of OJJDP's Crimes Against Children Series, the Bulletin draws on the FBI's National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to examine victim and offender characteristics, including gender, age, type of injury, and victim-offender relationship. The Bulletin also presents an overview of how NIBRS works to collect a wide range of criminal information for a variety of offenses. The Bulletin concludes by examining the implications of NIBRS data, particularly in regard to the severity of threat posed to children by babysitters.
Crimes Against Children Research Center, Sociology
Publication Date
Journal Title
Juvenile Justice Bulletin
United States Department of Justice
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Finkelhor, David and Ormrod, Richard. Crimes against children by babysitters. Juvenile Justice Bulletin – NCJ198102, (pgs. 1-7). Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.